Own choice of advert





there is a doctor  with a baby child  and another image with children t. there are some writings and a few statements . there is also the logo of UNICEF - for every child . also you can see a bit of blue . 


as you can see an image of a baby with a doctor that means the doctor is helping the baby or comforting it . as we can see from the costume is a doctor and he is helping children , we also can see the little girl is with the doctor close with him that means she is alright  and might be happy because he is helping her . the quote I think  it might mean  to move on , maybe from the bad things .the bright big statement or phrase in the image  that is right at the front it might suggests to us that they put it there on purpose for people to read and get their attention and maybe attract them to read more or learn more maybe to help them or others . i think the color blue is very important because its everywhere in this advert  or the actual charity  is in blue and its main color , as we can see the doctor is wearing blue it may hint or tell us its about doctors  , happiness , life , water , heaven, nature and way more . its a bright nice color maybe tale away the sadness from others to . the other image has blue too which might mean the same things or also it might suggest that the blue is on the children  so maybe all these children are very upset .the second image lso the blue might tell us how they are making the children happy from the inside and making them feel better and happy. 


the advert might make the audience feel very upset and sympathy for all these children . so they might really want to help  or donate to them or even volunteer to go help these workers with these children. it might convince others to help others more  . it can share also to people and show them what is happening around the world .
