Class: Language and Representation

Language and close-textual analysis

 1) Write an NCIS analysis for the episode - using notes from the screening in class. Make specific, detailed reference to moments in the text using media terminology (e.g. media language - camera shots and movement, editing, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, mise-en-scene etc.)

Co-owner of a Lonely Heart

Narrative: There are a number of narrative strands running through this episode. one of them is April's story and the new headteacher who came new to the Coal Hill Academy school who also new different  things on her first day. 

Character: there was April , her parents and her friends. there was her friend Ram,Charlie,Corakinus  and the physic teacher etc. 

Iconography: Colours- blue, silver, grey, green , swards. the time travel hole that April opened. 

Setting: the shadows world , lava , Corakinus is place , April is house and school. 

2) How does Todorov's theory of equilibrium apply to Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Try and use the expanded version of Todorov's theory: Equilibrium - Disruption - Recognition - Reparation - New equilibrium. 

They begin with equilibrium the shadow king comes and goes in April is body and comes to kill her and makes conflict with the  high school and its students. 

3) Applying Propp's character theory, what character roles do each of the main characters in Class fit into? Alternatively, you may wish to discuss how characters do not fit Propp's character types.

i think it would be better to change April because it would be better if the girl looked more strong , independent and anxious or harsh so she could beat the shadow king as he looks mjuch more powerful than her. 

4) What enigma and action codes (Barthes) can you find in Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Make specific, detailed reference to the text using media terminology (e.g. media language - camera shots, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, mise-en-scene etc.)

there is a lot of dystopian world type of theme and more of anxious as red and lava. there is mostly dark black and blue colours , to show the stress, strength and power.“Next time…” - full of Barthes’ enigma and action codes. These encourage audience to watch next episode. they leave us with cliffhangers , so they dont finish the narrative so you have to watch the next episode to know what happens.


5) What examples of binary opposition (Levi-Strauss) can you find in Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? How do these create narrative or drama for the audience? You can find reminder notes on all these narrative theories here - just scroll down to narrative.

the audience would be very entertained by the action and violence actions with the events and characters as there would be a lot of drama happening with April , ram and she shadow king. as there was the scene of April , Ram and the headteacher which was they were confused how she knew their physic class is next and the fight with April and her dad. 


1) How is gender represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Are gender stereotypes reinforced or subverted?

the gender stereotypes of women is subverted as there is April as a strong female character and how her mother is too even that she was disabled she was confident and acts very powerful, as they also live together alone.

2) How is age (e.g. teenagers; older people like teachers or parents) represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Does the show reinforce or challenge stereotypes about young people?

It subverts the representation of parents in class because of Ram and his dad as they has a good and close relationship. this shows positive representation  of parent and teenager. 

3) How is race and ethnicity represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Are  stereotypes reinforced or subverted?

it subverts stereotypes in class as there is a lot of diversity and different races and cultures , however in doctor who it was all white people only. 

4) How is sexuality represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? How does this reflect the BBC's remit to represent modern Britain?

there is  homosexual  characters like Charlie with his date, it is normalised due to his role as an alien who only follows feelings and has no preconceptions of sexuality. 

5) How is disability represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Why are disabled people generally under-represented in the media and how does Class try to address this?

there is April is mother who is disabled but she has an explored relationship with her.even though it shows that she is till very powerful and strong and has so much confidence. 
