doctor strange

1) Disney and marvel was involved by the creation of doctor strange.

2) Conglomerate is when most major media companies are conglomerates that own a range of smaller companies like Disney owning marvel .

3) BBFC = British Board of Film Classification

4) doctor strange was giver 12A rating 

5) they did an interview with IMAX to promote the film. 

6)it is recorded in Nepal , Hong Kong, USA and UK. the actors and especially Doctor Strange, as played by Benedict Cumberbatch, generates a powerful look in his dashing red Cloak of Levitation, designed by Alexandra Byrne. which showed us that he was the hero of the movie and that he is the main character. also sometimes it was mostly dark around doctor strange . also they have used famous actors . some of them have a shocked face or confusion. using famous characters also make people watch the movie and get more views it entertain people. there was props used  like the car crash scene there as the car crashing and getting destroyed , also they mostly have used green screens for scenes . which makes it look more unrealistic . in addition they have to buy and get props and maybe expensive things and famous places to film in or with. also there were a lot of high quality effects and cameras  and expensive ones to render the film IMAX format . also they had to pay a lot of money to get things and props for the film . they use some scenes that are in central London which is an expensive and famous place to film in which is going to cost them a lot of money   

7)doctor strange made $165 million dollars at the box office . 

8)i think it was successful but not as successful as the other marvel films . doctor strange made $700 million at the box office. 
