Tatler CSP case study
Introduction 1) the editor says that the magazine is rich and mostly richest people read it and people who see the magazine also is good at fashion. 2)it tells us that it is mostly for female and upper class people and middle class or c1 . also it looks like its from age teenagers and young people interested in socials and people even up to 41 can be interested . also that these people are mostly from London . 3)the readers are rich and buy clothes about every month and always have new clothes . they love fashion a lot and they buy a lot of clothes and spend a lot of money on it and are interested in fashion and their looks and reputation about good clothes . they also get encouraged to buy the clothes and like they see their clothes in mostly magazines so they go and buy it too . 4) the year is all about women and all for girls and quiet feminine magazines through the whole year its also what teenagers and women would be interested now days . so mostly it has to...