Tatler CSP case study


1) the editor says that the magazine is rich and mostly richest people read it and people who see the magazine also is good at fashion.

2)it tells us that it is mostly for female and upper class people and middle class or c1 . also it looks like its from age teenagers and young people interested in socials and people even up to 41 can be interested . also that these people are mostly from London .

3)the readers are rich and buy clothes about every month and always have new clothes . they love fashion a lot and they buy a lot of clothes and spend a lot of money on it and are interested in fashion and their looks and reputation about good clothes . they also get encouraged  to buy the clothes and like they see their clothes in mostly magazines so they go and buy it too . 

4) the year is all about women and all for girls and quiet feminine magazines through the whole year  its also what teenagers and women would be interested now days . so mostly it has to be readers that are mostly women and that probably also what fits best to the magazines as they have things in common. 

Media language

1) we see a serif font on the Tatler magazines . this represents that it is traditional and fancy and for rich or upper class people . Also Some fonts are more casual and expressive, while others are more buttoned up and reserved.

2) it is represented to them as flawless looking and interested in fashion and targeted for women also as using their sexuality and attracting the males . 

3)they kept the magazine cover calm and not too busy and they did not add a lot of colours the only main colours on there is pink ,light yellow and green . so its kind of natural ,  fun and traditional . 

4)is looks more of a traditional one and people they might find it interesting and more entertaining also the women has a wide big eyeliner on her eyes too . 


1) there is only one women outside in nature and the cover lines tells us it about women now and its targeted mostly for them . 

2) it tells us that people here would pay and spend a lot of money on fashion and they care about their fashion and that they are interested in fashion ,parties and reputation and there are many rich ones in London. 

3) there is envious stereotype  this is because of the rich people and the magazine is fancy and traditional . the magazine might subverts on women and might get them a bad reputation . but also they might reinforce tings about them that are positive that they are perfect and beautiful and should do these, but also not everyone might agree on that and everyone has their own opinions . 

4) women would prefer more things that might not ruin their reputation or hurt or offence them maybe that are preferred readings .  

Social and cultural context

1) in that magazine they only mentioned about posh people in the magazine . also the magazine looks more interested in beauty , fashion and ‘lifestyle’ rather than dealing with news in any depth,  but people want it to be more political .

2) that it only talks about luxuries and schools and teenagers and women , families and holidays. 

3)  the social class might be offended and people who have dine surgeries , also it might affect people who doesn't usually buy or maybe care about beauty or i think it may affect people in middle class or under . it may affect rich people too by telling them negative things  and subverts . 

4) there are mostly women that looks good with fashion and make up and the magazines are mostly about women and feminine . others an also talk about beauty, jewellery , schools or travels . it can be about women and mostly young teenagers females .  


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