WWW: An excellent, in-depth answer for Q2 on media language – you cover a range of conventions and connotations and discuss the potential meanings they create. But you are missing question 3! EBI: For Q1, you need to answer the question – what is a convention? It is a typical feature – and then your magazine cover examples are perfect. You also need to keep an eye on your written English and Media terminology – things like using capital letters correctly and writing ‘denote’ and ‘connote’ rather than denotate/connotate. These are not major errors but they are important to get right if we want to aim for that 7-9 top grade. Most importantly, you need to complete the whole assessment! Q3 is 12 marks so worth more than half the assessment – make sure you complete the final question. LR: Complete the missing question in your assessment. Then, c reate a new blog post called ‘Magazines feedback and learner response’. Copy and paste this feedback into the blog post and write THREE thing...